Whats been happening – week ending 9/02/14

Hello there, hows it going?

Not too much has been happening around here in these parts, actually that is a lie, I’ve been rolling around on the floor a lot in severe pain from a crazy leg cramp I have, lack of Magnesium maybe?

I planted some spookie type miniature pumpkins as i had misplaced the seeds earlier in the season. They wont be ready for the carnival here, but I like them, and want to have some grown this season.

It must be getting closer to the weigh off as the crazy pumpkin related dreams have started for me, every year it gets earlier and earlier.

I managed to buy some seeds from a seed auction the other day, a great way to get some good seeds and I’m looking forward to them turning up in the country in the next couple of weeks.

Pumpkin update for the week

Miniature Pumpkins


Behold, a miniature from the ones in the pot.  I’ll write more about that experience at a later date, I now currently have 31 miniature pumpkins in the office, I will need to have a think about what I am going to do with them all.

Mitre 10 Pumpkin


This has decided to actually start growing and has put out a decent vine with pumpkins forming on it.

Random pumpkin


This is looking great, nice and orange and I will have to see if it will put on much more weight compared to what it is now.

Giant Watermelon


I really need to put something next to this so you can compare it’s size to something, it isn’t growing any more and seems stuck at this size, it has done more then the last time I tried growing them, but I will need to read up all about the tricks to make it grow.

808 Niuwenhoff


Growing OK, and currently at 120kg’s. it is apparent that the soil may not be the best, but it is making me think a lot about next years efforts and what I can and will be doing, I hope it oranges up soon.

1329 Menting


This pumpkin is so ugly, even if it packs on the weight it will still be deformed.

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