Hi there, the plants have been in the ground for 49 days so far, and it has been a total of 80 days since the seeds have been planted. This is about the time I am going to think about using a higher phosphate fertiliser,and start thinking about shade protection for the pumpkins.
Due to the conditions and the location, they haven’t had much water, but seem to be doing really well. There are currently 6 small pumpkins forming, 3 on each plant.
Check out the video below to see how they are doing
As mentioned in the video, the pumpkins are looking about the same size at the same time as last year, I know i am WAY behind compared to other people’s, but only time will tell on how mine will go.

Growing giant pumpkins is a passion that I love sharing. 🎃 If you’ve found my content helpful or entertaining, why not say thanks with a coffee? ☕
It’ll fuel my next giant pumpkin adventure!
hi sam,
we have been growing our pumpkins since late october, mine is still yellow but looks to be ridging up and turning slightly orange. others in the group have got orange already, i feel we were premature in our competition? we are meant to be weighing in in April but i feel we may have mature pumpkins aprox two weeks before april even begins. Will they sit there for two or three weeks? or do we need to weigh in sooner??
Ps mine is almost 48kg now and is still expanding at great rate of knots!!! 😉
And im taking 5sec video of it everyday. i love my pumpkin , i have called him hurcules. cheers ears.
Hiya, giant pumpkins just like regular pumpkins will keep if stored in a cool dark place. The problem is once you cut it from the vine, you will probably need to move it to achieve the cool dark place for them. Once cut this creates a place where the pumpkin could lose a little bit of weight from dehydration. I’d try and leave it on the vine as long as possible, mine last year was on the vine until the night before, and I’m sure it had stopped growing earlier, and it seemed fine.