This Weather Sucks and a Record Pumpkin Grower Update

This weather sure has been a mixed bag, it seems to have affected growers of all sorts of different things including giant pumpkins, the cold temperatures at night weren’t the best and now it’s very warm and humid, it sure keeps people on their toes with controlling powdery mildew.  Especially here in Hamilton where it’s super humid and I am over it.

But how are other people doing?

I thought I’d check in with Tim and see what was happening in his patch and see if he was on his way to break the record he set last year at 789.5kg’s.  Tim has 2 pumpkins growing one is from a 2145.5 McMullen 2015 seed and the other is from a 1714 Weston 2014.  Both researched by Tim and picked to give him the best results.

Tim had a crazy start the season with things not looking too good early on, but he’s managed to turn them around and they are both estimated to be around the 500kg mark at the point in time.

But there is another grower to check out

While Tim always has something impressive growing in the patch, the real person you need to check out when you are out there is Tim’s son Alex, It’s always great to see how Alex is going with his growing season.

Alex is growing a 1921 Weston 2015 seed, but has had some trouble with pumpkins aborting, and is now onto plan B for the season.

Where Alex’s pumpkin aborted.

So while still small, there is just shy of 36 days to go now until The Great Pumpkin Carnival.  So time will tell how these little giants will go, but they are currently tracking well and hopefully Alex can beat his personal best weight of 254kg’s.

Watering System

Tim moved the watering system closer to the patch making it easier to add product to it when needed.

With the added hot weather we’ve been having this 1000l cube is being stretched to it’s limit and I wouldn’t be surprised if a bigger tank or a second cube is added to increase the amount of water that can be applied to the patch next year.

So there we go, an update on how things are looking at Tim’s place, we’ll be weighing these in on the 2nd of April at The Great Pumpkin Carnival, make sure to come check it out.

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