For some reason I thought I would have more time on my hands right now, hahahahaha.
I must have been dreaming, but in two weeks everything will have died down a little bit, so then I can actually get on top of things.
Tiny Patch Uncovered
I took off the polythene and for the most part the whole Tiny Patch is weed free, which is a win. Is it full of seeds from weeds that are ready to spring into action now they have access to sun and water, probably. I’ll see how that goes.
By now I should have added a lot more organic content to the Tiny Patch, but you know, busy+slack = now.
With such a small area I feel it can be sorted out in a rather short period of time, and without the ability to get soil tests done I’m just guessing here, but am happy with my choices.
What to Add
Last year you of course will remember I added the worm castings and the mulch to the Tiny Patch, and with a hefty 92kg pumpkin coming out the Tiny Patch I need to get good stuff back in there.
I’ve been having a look around, and one the of the local landscaping places shout out to Captain Compost has a range of products I think will help. Also they come in bags, because when you have a Tiny Patch why would you need a trailer load of stuff? I’ll cover what I’m using when I actually go get it.
Seed Starting
You may have seen on Instagram or Facebook that I’ve decided to grow the Harris 1891 seed, this is a seed from Tim’s pumpkin that split last year but actually weighed in at 858kg.
It’s can be a tough seed to start, but I’ve got one test seed growing, and 2 others which will be one of the ones I actually plant.
In this photo you can see the top of the far leaf looks pale, this was because the leaves couldn’t push off the seed casing, I had to help it out by pulling it off.
The main reason I’m growing this seed is to keep Tim on his toes this season.
Keep Moving Forward
Wherever you are in your giant pumpkin journey, make sure you are always moving forward. Learning new things, trying new things, and growing the best you can with what you have.

Growing giant pumpkins is a passion that I love sharing. 🎃 If you’ve found my content helpful or entertaining, why not say thanks with a coffee? ☕
It’ll fuel my next giant pumpkin adventure!