Tomorrow is October, or what I like to think of as pumpkin month.
The weather has been a bit crazy lately. I’m not a fan of all this rain, how am I supposed to organise the things that I’ve had 5-6 months to sort out. Instead I leave it until the last minute, rush around like a crazy person and hope I don’t forget something. Do you do this too?
Areas to Sort Out
Right Hand Side of the Tiny Patch
First I need to sort out the right hand side of the Tiny Patch. There was a lot of stuff there earlier and it isn’t as bad as it was. But there is a bunch of items that either needs to be thrown away, or moved. Seriously what is some of this stuff.
This area is also where I shoot myself talking to camera in any of the blogs. Having it tidy means less chance of tripping over something when carrying camera gear. I’m not a fan of breaking things.
Last year I got a bunch of very large pots, the idea was to grow miniature pumpkins in them. I’d done it successfully in the past. I thought there would be enough sunlight upstairs.
But what I found was that there was a period of the day when there wasn’t enough. That location had very little wind flow combined with being a warm spot, so when powdery mildew hit, it hit hard.
So once I have tidied up the area on the right hand side of the patch, I’m going to put 2 of the pots down there. And will see how it all goes. Making sure I get the watering correct, not too little, not too much is important when growing in pots.
Inside the Garage
While I made room for my Grow Box mentioned in a previous post, there is so much other stuff that needs to be relocated. Including the shelving opposite the work bench which I use to store my day to day tools I use in the Tiny Patch. It’s all a bit of a shambles at the moment.
Tiny Patch
Well the tiny patch has had polythene on it for a long time. A few weeds have managed to poke up alongside the back of it. I’ll need to remove the polythene, fold it up and store that for potentially next year.
I’ll remove those weeds, and I need to sort out a few products I want to put in there before planting happens.
What Stuff do you Still Have to Do?
Are you organised for the start of the pumpkin season? Has something else cropped up? I’d love to hear from you, leave a comment below, or head on over to the GPNZ Forum and start a conversation there.

Growing giant pumpkins is a passion that I love sharing. 🎃 If you’ve found my content helpful or entertaining, why not say thanks with a coffee? ☕
It’ll fuel my next giant pumpkin adventure!