We all know giant pumpkins can be pretty big, but is yours big enough to be seen from space?
It might be a question not many of us can answer, but for Ivo up north, he can say a big yes.
While checking out Google maps, he realised that their satellite had been over taking photos when he had been growing his giant pumpkin. How cool is this.
Click to enlarge the picture.
I’ve checked out the two places I have grown pumpkins, and no luck for me. How about the rest of you? If you have, let me know.

Growing giant pumpkins is a passion that I love sharing. 🎃 If you’ve found my content helpful or entertaining, why not say thanks with a coffee? ☕
It’ll fuel my next giant pumpkin adventure!
Maybe this year mine will be big enough :0)
I’m sure you will get there 😀