Watering under the leaves

Patch update, Life update

Hi there

Firstly I must apologise to not updating this since November the 13th.  That is totally slack of me, and I am now on track for more regular updates.

A couple of things contributed to the long gap in between posts:

  • Work has been pretty busy with the lead up to Christmas and New Years, and having a stock take thrown into the mix also adds to the busyness.
  • I had a weeks holiday down in Wellington
  • At this time of the year I organise something else on the internet, and it takes up a massive amount of my time, dealing with over 700 people in a short space of time is draining to say the least.
  • And the main reason, is that I have moved house.  The place I was at was on the market, and instead of just hanging around and hoping that it didn’t sell any time soon, I found a new place to live.  The old place is still on the market, and the pumpkins are still growing there, but it means I can’t check up on them as much as I would normally do, and if the place does sell before the end of the season I am hoping they can just stay there growing.  My new place has plenty of room, and the person I live with has grown them before, although I’m not sure they realise how much room and time I use for the pumpkins.

Onto the patch update
I recently put on my first batch of compost tea onto the plants.  It was brewed for a week ( I will be updating the how to with all the pictures etc soon) and it was a great colour, and smelled nice and earthy, which is a good sign when making compost tea, it means the bacteria hasn’t turned bad.

Here is the compost tea:

Compost tea brewed

As you can see it is a nice tea type of colour.

I applied it with the backpack sprayer and applied it full strength, which if made properly won’t harm the plants.

Now on to what the plants look like:

Giant pumpkin vine starting to run

Giant pumpkin leaves

As you can see from the pictures, the plants look really good but aren’t as far along as some other people’s plants.  Due to the reasons stated above, weeding around the plants hasn’t been a priority so far and is something I need to look at.

Worse comes to worse, the plants will just have to share the space with the weeds, and I will see what happens.

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Fletcher Oldaker
13 years ago

Wow, yours are going great! Mine are a bit behind but we’re getting there.
Have a great Christmas and a happy new year!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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