The giant pumpkin that has stopped growing is still hanging in there. It is not growing, but it isn’t rotting or breaking down anywhere near as fast as I thought it would have.
This fact leads me to believe that there is no hole into the pumpkin itself, and the problem is an internal one.
More Female Flowers
The plant has kicked back into life, and the side vines are showing a bunch of female flowers.
Which is great.
If they get pollinated and grow and everything is looking good I’m not sure if it will reach it’s full potential before our weigh off.
So I might keep growing it and see how big it can get. I’ll keep you informed on how all of that goes.
Sorting out the Garage
I got my hands on some more shelving for in the garage so have sorted out the eyesore that was the pile of stuff.
It’s looking good. There is still a lot of small bits and pieces to sort out and another trip to the dump will be in order.
Pumpkin Carnival Stuff
With less than 60 days to go until The Great Pumpkin Carnival the pressure is on to get things sorted.
Part of the committee went and looked at the new location we are having our event at for 2020.
It’s still at Hamilton Gardens, just in a different part.
We think it will work well for us. We just had to decide on the layout of the new location.
I’m going to have to make a lot of signs so people know where to go. That is the plan for this weekend.
I also re-branded / relaunched the email newsletter I’ve had for a while.
You can see the sign up form on the right hand side. –>>
Check it out if you’d like to be part of the GPNZ Crew, it’s more than just pumpkins. If you were already receiving the old Pumpkin Post Newsletter you are already on the list.
That’s all for this week.
If you’d like to get the blog post updates delivered to your inbox weekly or monthly you can do that with the sign up box to the right –>>

Growing giant pumpkins is a passion that I love sharing. 🎃 If you’ve found my content helpful or entertaining, why not say thanks with a coffee? ☕
It’ll fuel my next giant pumpkin adventure!