Giant Pumpkin Female Flower

2019 is Here

2019 is here and it really does seem like it is shaping up to be a hot summer, I have no facts or figures or even news stories to back that up, it just feels like it’s going to be hot.

Plants are Growing

The miniatures are sort of doing their thing in the pots, some do have miniatures on them, some are just growing slowly. I think they might need some more liquid fert and I’m beginning to wonder how accurate the claims were on the bags of vege mix I put into the pots.

Miniature Pumpkin Starting to Grow

The Giant has Female Flowers

The giant (1969 Haist) is catching up to where it needs to be. That late start wasn’t the most ideal thing, but everything is coming together nicely now.

For some reason one of the side vines which usually grows down the length of the small piece of dirt in the tiny patch didn’t want to grow, I think the vine got bent and broke due to some early wind.

I’ve been pinching of baby pumpkins from the female flowers where I know I don’t want them to grow at all, while still keeping backups in place in case the one I really want to grow has problems.

Giant Pumpkin Female Flower

I’m also letting the vines grow out as much as I can, I’m sure the flatmates will be thrilled with that when it cuts off most of the access to the washing line outside.

I’m not sure if the bags of compost I’m using to put some of the vines in are helping much at all, but I like the idea they are so am happy with it. I need to put down a couple more of them very soon.

Today I got more bags of sand. Last year I felt I didn’t have enough so stocked up on that as well as more hose fittings, this time splashing out and getting some brass ones. I don’t care how much the plastic ones are supposed to work for, they always seem to fail eventually.

Oh and I got more pieces for the micro irrigation setup, something I have not put much thought into at all this year, but after seeing the way the plant had drooped due to the heat I really do want to cool them off and help reduce any stress.

Pumpkin Post is Coming

I’m having the hardest time putting this latest one together, mainly due to the fact I just want to get out into this fine weather and sitting at a computer is not that tempting. I should have it out in the next couple of days.

How’s Your Plant Growing?

What’s been happening with your plant? Are you going full on this year, or just taking it easy and seeing how things go? I’d love to hear, let me know in the comments below.


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