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Why Working out your Giant Pumpkin Planting Date is Important

Did you know that you can work out the best time to get your giant pumpkin plants in the ground?

Well you can and it’s quite easy, I cover it all right here in the How-To section of the website.

One of the key things to know is when your giant pumpkin event is being held. If you don’t have an event nearby how about starting your own?

From that date you can work backwards and know the best time to start.

This one simple thing can help put extra kg on your pumpkin before the weigh off date.

This is why it is important to know what events are around

Even though our country is small and the population is spread out, in some areas there are a good number of pumpkin events. Some well known, some others known only to the locals.

If you are running an event and handing out seeds or seedlings make sure to check out the timing. This allows people to turn up with the largest pumpkin possible.

Not an Exact Science

Of course this is not an exact science. A lot of variables come into play like location, weather, genetics of the seed etc. But… I feel this is the very first step in upping your giant pumpkin game and getting better results.

My Start Date

I know that The Great Pumpkin Carnival is being held on the 29th of March 2020. Using the Date Calculator over at I can easily subtract 160 days from the date of the event and end up with the 21st of October 2019.

As a general rule of thumb I tell people to plant their giant pumpkin Labour weekend (which is a public holiday here in NZ on the 4th Monday of October each year)

But depending on your event, your location or what you are up to around that time, it may mean starting your seeds, or transplanting your seedling.

Notes are Handy
I know from the notes I took last year that I started seeds on the 29th of October and transplanted on the 19th.

Was this too late?

I had to start that late as I was away with the school camp, but looking back at how the pumpkin grew, the weather and dealing with the tiny patch. It actually worked out OK. And I might do something similar this year.

The Main Takeaway

To sum this up, the main point I want to get across is to not leave starting or transplanting your giant pumpkin too late.

I see lots of pumpkins at events which after talking to people I’m sure could of had many more KG added to them if the grower had started a bit earlier.

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