The seeds must have known what I wrote about them the other day, because they have exploded out of the soil in the pots, and are growing crazy fast.
To help the seedlings after they emerged, I gently (very gently) pulled the seed cases off of the leaves.
They are growing at a tremendous rate, and won’t be too long until they will be put into the patch. I’m waiting until the 3rd leaf forms properly, and it will be time, this leaf allows me place it the correct way, so I can work out which way the vine will run.

Growing giant pumpkins is a passion that I love sharing. 🎃 If you’ve found my content helpful or entertaining, why not say thanks with a coffee? ☕
It’ll fuel my next giant pumpkin adventure!
howdy sam how big are your vines now when did you plant seeds?
Hi John, I had a really slow start this year for some reason, so the seeds were planted on the 20th of October, with only one of those seeds growing, I chucked a couple more in at a later date, these have all appeared in the last week and a half.
They almost have their 3rd proper leaf now, and will be planted out in the patch this weekend, keep an eye out for a new post on that.