Whats been happening – week ending 12/01/2014

Well this update is a bit late, not being an evening person doesn’t help, I am currently drinking an energy drink so this can only end well 🙂  onto the update.

Hello there, things are growing and some things are growing at a great rate of speed, this is this weeks update of what I have been up to.

Miniature pumpkins

The small pumpkins are doing well and a whole bunch have reached maturity and have been picked, luckily they stay well for months and months.  Some of the yellow ones should darken up in colour over time.  It has been a bit of a lucky dip rummaging through the weeds and vines to see what is in there.

Selection of miniature pumpkins
A good looking collection of miniatures
Miniatures hiding in the growth
Miniatures hiding in the growth

Giant watermelon

Bit of a disaster for one plant, it decided to split right open and is stuffed which I think was due to in consistent watering, which was hard to achieve as it was hard to get water to it.  It was on the broken plant but there are more flowers so there might be another one.

Big split in giant watermelon

The other one seems to still be intact and putting on weight, here it is with my hand next to it for a size comparison.  Just imagine my hand as normal sized.

Watermelon with hand on it

Giant sunflowers

These are growing well, but the heads are getting big and pulling the plant down, I need to stake these very soon or they will break. Love how great they look and really need to plant many more next year.

Giant sunflower head

Giant pumpkins

Now onto the main thing the giant pumpkins.

This photo below is the random giant pumpkin that I’m not too sure what it is, it is basically my backup plant and is in a completely different place compared to the others, so I am always wondering what this will do.

Unknown pumpkin
Unknown pumpkin growing well

The #1 808Nieuwenhoff is doing really well.  You will have to put up with my hand for the photo as I didn’t have a coke can which seems to be a popular thing to relate it to.  The next pumpkin along is the actual one I want to grow but the main one is putting on so much everyday it seems I might have to run with this and take the other one off.

808 Nieuwenhoff
808 Nieuwenhoff

I have to be really careful and check the stem on this pumpkin as if it grows too big there is a chance it can pull on the stem and break itself off.  I have been tracking what I have been watering them on the FREE giant pumpkin tracking sheet.

I will start taking measurements of the pumpkin to track it’s progress, unfortunately I am not a hundred percent sure of the day of pollination on this actual pumpkin, one of the reasons I want to use the other one.

As for the other two plants, they each have a pumpkin on them and are growing, but really need a lot more vine burying done to them.



So there we have it, nothing too action packed this week but things are growing which is always a positive thing.  How has your week been and what have you been up to?  Let me know either in the comments below or via the Facebook page.


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