Preparing My Small Giant Pumpkin Patch

Hello there, how is your patch prep going?

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Patch Prep

I’ve done some patch prep myself lately, about 2 weeks ago I added a bunch of Revital Fertilisers, Compost and Vermiculture to the soil.  A big thanks to those guys for helping me out with that, they do bagged products and also bulk so check out their website and look at the many products they have.

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Patch Prep Post 201605

Seeing as I am growing in such a small area, and not even at my own place I am not doing a soil test.  Instead I am just going by good gardening practices and will be looking at the plant and it’s symptoms if any, and dealing with things as they come up.

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How is your patch?

How is your patch prep going?  And if your season is just finishing what are you going to do with your patch?  Let me know in the comments below.

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