Giant pumpkin at the base of a female flower

Christmas is Almost here and Vlog EP6

It’s only a couple of days away until Christmas. Whatever you are up to and wherever you are doing I hope you have a great time, for both Christmas and New Year’s.

One of the great things I find during Christmas is not the receiving of gifts, but the giving.

Giant pumpkin growers are a very giving people, from pumpkin seeds, to advice to help with a pumpkin event.  If you need advice, have a question then make sure to get in touch.

Catching Up with Tim

I caught up with Tim the other day to check out how his patch was going, and I’ve never been out there so early into the season.

Tim Harris's Pumpkin Patch with drip tape and walking boards

He’s doing the pot method this year for the first time.  Instead of burying the vines he is putting pots filled with growing medium upside down on all the leaf axis.

Closeup of pots on giant pumpkin plants leaf axis

He showed me the product Companion he is using for the first time this year. You can’t get small quantities of it like other places in the world and this will last Tim 10 years.

Companion Container

Sorted my Water Problem

I realised I should have put a pressure reducer on the tap for the micro irrigation.  After a quick trip to Bunnings I hooked one up and it’s looking good.

Giant pumpkin at the base of a female flower

I won’t have to worry about the fittings blowing apart, which is something I don’t want to happen while I am away in Jan.

Giant pumpkin tendral spiraling over micro irrigation

The Great Pumpkin Carnival

Hats off to anyone that is organising a pumpkin event somewhere in the country. I know how much work goes into an event and we/I still have a lot to do for The Great Pumpkin Carnival here in Hamilton.

If you want to know how I manage a lot of the information with some great free tools online, then flick me an email.


Here is the latest episode. Find out how large Tim’s patch is and what he has been up to.  This will give you some insight into what it can take to be the best giant pumpkin grower in NZ.

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