Brownies Pumpkin Party 2017

In its 22nd year, Brownies Pumpkin Party is a competition held in Rotorua between friends, neighbours and anyone else that gets a seedling off Brownie at the start of the season. This is the longest running competition I have come across anywhere in the country. (feel free to correct me) this was the second time I have been with the first being in 2014.

Every year from the sale of the seedlings $1000 is given to the local hospice which is an awesome effort.

Pumpkins were down in size

A theme I’ve heard throughout the country this year is the size and amount of pumpkins have been down, this was echoed at Brownies pumpkin party, but it was great people still turned up with what they had, the light-hearted banter amongst competitors is a highlight of an event like this.

Winning weight

The winner on the day was first time growers, Nick and Kelly Jackson with a 78kg pumpkin, there was a slightly heavier pumpkin there at 82.5kg’s but wasn’t included as it was grown from a different seed to the other ones.

Great Food

Brownie also knows how to put on a great feed, he owns and runs Brownies Spit Spectacular, if you are after a spit for an event, wedding or anything else make sure to talk to Brownie.

Thanks to everyone I spoke to, and thanks for another great event.

If you are wanting to start your own pumpkin event amongst friends or neighbours, then sign up to the free guide to running your own pumpkin event.

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