Giant pumpkin seedling opening up in a pot

The seeds are growing

Hows everyone’s long weekend going?

Mine has been good, I was at the Armageddon Expo up in Auckland yesterday, which has nothing to do with giant pumpkin growing at all, but you will be surprised at how many people I ended up talking to about it.  Was a very cool day.

Now onto the update.

The seeds are emerging

From what I can tell, I think I have had 100% success rate this year.  I did forget to do one step that I normally do, and one that I have listed on the seed starting page, and that was the wet paper towel in the bag trick.  I think with where I have the seeds so warm, this wasn’t a problem and germination occurred easily.

The miniatures beat the giants in coming out first, and half the miniatures are going to my daughters pre school garden, with the rest being planted out the back in a raised garden here.

Most of the stuff I needed to have done outside has been done, I have even added a “secret” item to the patch, while I don’t think it will do anything for the pumpkins, it sure is a great talking point, and I will let you in on that later on.

No video this week, I will start doing them again once I have the seedlings in the ground, I am currently changing some of the camera gear I use, and need to sort something out before filming again.

And that is about it for now.  Any questions comments, leave them below.

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