The Great Pumpkin Carnival 2015

The great pumpkin carnival was held on Sunday, and if you didn’t know I help organise it, and this year was the first time in 6 years we had to deal with some rain, and it was pouring down early on, but got nice and fine later on.

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Setting up in the morning

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We had some amazing helpers on the day who put in some massive amount of work to make sure it all went smoothly, so a great big thanks to everyone.

Awesome entries, new record goodness.

We also had some awesome entries for the heaviest pumpkins.  Including Tim’s NZ record sized pumpkin along with son Alex whose pumpkin turned out to be exactly 500kg’s lighter then his dads.

Tim’s pumpkin came in at 754.5kg’s which is 1663 pounds with a OTT measurement of 433

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It was very wide and we managed to get it to sit on the scales OK, thanks to Sensortronic for those and MetalCo Recyclers for the use of the truck to lift it.  I think next year we will have to get the special ordered scales in, just in case.

Not going heavy

While getting a new NZ record is amazing, I know Tim was a tiny little bit gutted that it didn’t go as heavy as everyone in the US had predicted.  This is the 3rd year this has happened for Tim, and we are wondering what the difference is between growing conditions here and overseas.

Alex’s Pumpkin

Sharing a hi five with dad
Sharing a hi five with dad

We had a bunch of entertainment and things for people to see and do, including bumpit balls which I think are one of the best things ever invented.

Amazing creations

The creations this year were amazing, I didn’t win anything for mine, but keep an eye out for Bert, he’s what I made.  We also had some pumpkin racers on display, with racing happening at next year event and had a stand for people to make their own creations on the day.


Thanks to Gareth we had some local celebrities take part in growing and a celebrity challenge which seemed to go down well.  With Paul Martin from the band Devilskin winning with the heaviest, and Arran Pene winning for best creation.

Downhill Rolling

And something we do at the end of our event is roll the big pumpkins down the hill, which is a crowd favourite watching pumpkins smash.

A massive thank to everyone that came and experienced the day, entered something or helped out.

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To keep up with The Great Pumpkin Carnival and what is going on, check out the website.

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