Tamahere School Pumpkin Night 2018 Results

After a hot day up at Kumeu, a stop at Pokeno for some massive icecreams and another super quick stop at home to swap batteries in cameras it was time to check out the Tamahere School Pumpkin Night 2018.

Pumpkin Creativity Shines

Just like the Kumeu weigh-off, it had been a while since I had been to the Tamahere School event, the last time was all the way back in 2015

This is the biggest fundraiser the school has every year and it’s easy to see why, there is a lot of people at this event, with a lot of activity’s the young and old to take part in, they are also the biggest event I’ve seen using the ticket method instead of cash for all the activities and food, some I mention in my Free Guide to Running a Giant Pumpkin Event.

There weren’t many pumpkins this year, and the heaviest one at 112.8 kg’s was actually a squash, but this event is much more than pumpkins, it’s about a whole community helping raise funds for a school.

If I was to put my finger on what the main parts of this event were, it would probably have to be the talent show portion where kids of all ages get up on the stage and belt out a song or two, and the many many pumpkin creations. If you want to get ideas on things to make with pumpkins, this is the event to check out.

I’ll have some video of this event in The GPNZ Vlog Episode 12 which will be coming out on the 19th of March, keep an eye out on the Facebook page, or go and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

Another great day of pumpkin events, but right now it’s time to have a bit of a rest.

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