Just like that it is October, and with that it means it is pretty much the start of the season here in NZ for giant pumpkin growing.
For the truly dedicated growers out there the work has been going on for months with preparing the patch for planting sometime soon. That is what I should have been doing, but with the threat of moving house and my constant procrastination, I am just sorting things out now.
I’m not sure about all you guys but it is really good to have more daylight during the day to get things done, the only downside to it I find is that daylight savings seems to mess with my sleep, and I am pretty tired for the first week, and have no energy, but that will change and I will be right on to it again.
Seed Starting
To save me some time, and because there is no need to reinvent the wheel, I will be linking to information on the site, and will be putting in videos I have shot in previous years discussing seed starting. While they might be old videos the information contained in them is still relevant.
First place to check out is the seed starting page in the How To section on the site.
Next up is a video talking about starting the seeds, I shot this last year as you can tell from the lack of hairyness.
I also posted a video of putting the seeds into pots, so check that out here:
So between all of that info, you should have seed starting covered.
One thing I am doing differently this year, is that I am not going to use the peat pots, I didn’t like how dry they got, and I seemed to have to water them all the time, maybe other people have different success with them, but for me I will use plastic this year.

Growing giant pumpkins is a passion that I love sharing. 🎃 If you’ve found my content helpful or entertaining, why not say thanks with a coffee? ☕
It’ll fuel my next giant pumpkin adventure!