A Round up of Awesomeness

I’ll be the first to admit it has been a little bit slow around here for the last couple of weeks, I’ve been having a bit of a rest from the pumpkin front, but am here to put together all the little bits and pieces that has either happened in the last couple of weeks or things I got too busy to post.  Lets get started.

2nd Interview with CentralTV

This is the second video for Central TV, in this one myself and Grace talk about the carnival and what to expect on the day.

Jump forward to about 5:30 to see us talking.

Bushmere Arms Giant Pumpkin Festival

Bushmere arms had their event delayed by rain for a week, but by the sounds of it, it was a great day for everyone.

Malcolm Peach was the winner on the day with a 190kg for 1st, a 188kg pumpkin for 2nd and David Kirkpatrick came in 3rd with a 165.5kg pumpkin.

Read all about the event on the Gisborne Herald website:  http://www.gisborneherald.co.nz/article/?id=36635

Bushmere Arms
Bushmere Arms Competitor Jared with this years effort
Bushmere Arms 2-r42
Pumpkins lined up for weighing

Mapua Weigh off

Tyler McKay was showing his dad how it was done this year by winning the Mapua comp with a 334kg pumpkin at this years competition.

Mapua Winner-r42

Read all about it here:  http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/9939163/Monster-of-Mapua

Who else is left to weigh?

The only two of note that are left to go that I know of are both on Anzac day, one at Kaikoura Mitre 10, the other at the Little River Country Bumpkin giant pumpkin festival.  I look forward to hearing how they both go and what weights people get.

Already organising next years comp

Next years competition has already been discussed for us here in Hamilton with a date already pencilled in to the calendar, when it is all firm I will let you know when that is.

The US season has started

With a lot of excitement and it being Tax day for the people living in America it seems to be the day that seeds are started for their season this year if all the posts and diary entries over at BigPumpkins.com is anything to go by.

It will be exciting to see what they can produce this season and as always I will keep you up to date with any new world records or anything exciting that is happening over those ways.  It is also a great time to keep and eye on what seeds are growing well for them, especially if you have seeds already from the states.

Lets get the forum humming

While it has been a bit quiet lately, the forum is a good place to start discussing things with other growers, especially local growers.  So fee free to sign up and take part, if you have forgotten your password or need help just get hold of me via the contact page.  I will be adding more posts and info as time goes on so make sure to check it out.

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