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Corona Virus Changed Everything

Originally I had a post written about running a giant pumpkin event.

When I wrote that post most events (but not all) had been cancelled. I was still going to post it. It could be useful information for someone in the future. Writing posts frequently helps Google show them when people search for things.

But the world is different right now than it was a couple of week ago.

Today, here in NZ we moved from level 2 to level 3. And in 48 hours we will move to level 4. The highest of the levels.

For most people this means self isolation for the next 4 weeks. This is just so massive, so unknown as well.

What it Means for Me

I’ve probably got the next 4 weeks off of work, at least.

This gives me time to plan out some future things. Things I’ll cover in future blog posts.

Kumeu A&P Show 2020

I got around to editing the video for my trip just over a week ago to the Kumeu A&P show. The more you edit video the easier it is, and the better the results. I’m happy with how this video turned out.

Hope Everything is Good With You

Wherever you are in the world I hope you, your friends and family are OK. Take care of each other, don’t get too crazy with things, and we can all get through this.

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