7 of the best instagram accounts to follow for giant pumpkins

7 of the Best Instagram Accounts to Follow for Giant Pumpkins

The internet and technology in general has brought the world closer together. It’s easy to see what people are up all around the world and communicate with them.

Social networks have allowed giant pumpkin growers to share what they are up to in their patch, answer questions and help spread the giant pumpkin word in a faster, quicker and easier way then ever before.

For me Instagram is my network of choice, sure it’s owned by our robot overlord Mark Zuckeberg, but for now it is one of the better options out there IMO.

I need to up my Instagram game after checking out these accounts. These accounts I always find have interesting content.

These were the top 7 that sprung to mind, I do follow a whole bunch of other growers around the world, if you have a must have Instagram account I should follow, please let me know in the comments.

7 of The Best Instagram Accounts to Follow for Giant Pumpkins



Takao Tamada Instagram Profile

Kicking off the list is the account of @tkoymd which from the Google translate I am led to believe is in Japan.

I love seeing all the different pumpkins and the size they are growing them to, I’m not sure if there is a large growing community in that part of the world but I do enjoy seeing their updates.

One of the highlights was seeing the pumpkin surfing photos and video, who needs a surfboard when you have a giant pumpkin.



Ron Wallace Instagram Profile

If you have had anything to do with the world of giant pumpkin growing, you should have come across Ron Wallace, 2 time world record holder for giant pumpkins, Ron is knowledgeable, friendly and shares what he is up to in his patch.

As well as pumpkins Ron grows a whole bunch of other things and shares posts explaining their properties.

Over the recent years Ron has brought his own brand of products (WoW Wallace) to the market to allow growers of all varieties to get bigger yields.



Ian Patons Instagram Profile

One half of the Paton brothers, growers of the biggest giant pumpkins in the UK. This account will show you their amazing greenhouse setup and the growth of a giant pumpkin in that environment over the growing season.

Lot of videos and when not growing giant pumpkins Ian is a keen fisherman, so expect to see some great photos of good sized fish.



The Hodge101 Instagram Profile

Mick Hodges brings you updates from his giant pumpkin patch which has evolved a lot over the last couple of years. Mick also has an entertaining YouTube channel which documents his pumpkin season and life on his farm as he upgrades, builds and shares what he is currently up to.



Jay and the Giant Pumpkin Instagram Profile

This account has evolved from what is happening in the life of Jay to showing more about what’s happening in the giant pumpkin patch, to more informative posts about growing giants. With more informative posts sure to be coming, this will be an exciting account to watch and see where it goes.



PJ Organics Instagram Profile

This account belongs to Peet Joubert, South African record holder. Great updates of the giants as well as other varieties of things being grown.  Love seeing what is happening in South Africa.



Willow View Farms Instagram Profile

Willow View Farms rounds out this list of accounts to check out due to their great images of giant pumpkins through the season with Jordyn, perhaps the happiest person ever photographed with a pumpkin. Other updates include what is happening on the farm, and recently there were photos of baby goats, enough said.

There we go, that is my roundup of 7 of the best Instagram accounts to follow for giant pumpkins. I love how everyone has their own take on sharing their pumpkin experience and journey.

With such an easy way to share to other enthusiastic people, what is stopping you?

Let me know who are your MUST follow Instagram accounts that feature pumpkins.

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