Pumpkin Plant Update

Pre Christmas Patch Update

Hey there, how’s the pumpkin growing going?

I’ve been busy

I’ve been pretty busy lately with the normal random Christmas stuff as well as some not so normal stuff. You may or may not know that I have a bunch of other sites and things I do. About 7 years ago I decided to run a Secret Santa for anyone in NZ that wanted to take part that was on Twitter. It proved quite popular.

I ran it for the first 3 years, and ended up with 850 people take part in that 3rd year. It was then time to step back and have a look at it. I decided it was getting to big for me and I asked around. Turns out the very cool people at NZ post were keen to run it, all with the same principles and keeping it with Twitter and all the good stuff, but being able to bring some cool technology to the party and also have the ability to store all the gifts and redistribute them.

I was just giving people other people’s addresses and hoping they sent a gift.

Anyways this year NZ Secret Santa got a bunch of press coverage, not here in NZ, but all around the world. Being the guy that started it my name was mentioned on a couple of sites:

  • Huffington Post
  • BBC
  • Indian Today
  • ABC US

Plus, more

So, you get the picture, I did a radio interview with The Breeze Waikato, ABC News Australia and spoke to a guy from ABC US in New York who wrote an article about it.

And while I am writing this to explain the busyness, I am also writing this not as a way of bragging or anything, but as a way to show you that whatever your idea is, go for it and see where it leads you.

Back to the patch

The weather has been semi OK, I can tell as the weeds are taking over everything. So, I’ve managed to get in there and take out a whole bunch and tidy up the tiny little patch.

Plant growing, lots of weeds around

As for my plant, well I am sure it has limitations due to the small amount of dirt it is growing in. The leaves aren’t very big, and they are slightly mottled in colour. (deficient in K maybe? Any suggestions, let me know. But overall I think it is OK for where it is growing, it’s started to push out its vine and run. I am liking the size of the main vine, last years one was nowhere as big. So, we will see how it all goes.

Pumpkin Plant Update

More planning

I’ve started using a new tool to help me plan out everything for this site next year, as well as every other project I am working on. I hope it pays off as I am wanting to do a lot more in 2017 with all the different things I have, Giant Pumpkins NZ being one of them. Let me know if there is something you’d really like on the site, delivered in an email, a video of something, or anything else. Contact me HERE or leave a comment below.

What about you?

And finally, how’s this season going for you? Is it all going to plan? Are you growing new things? I’m sure the pumpkin growing community would love to know, leave a comment below or on the Facebook page.

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8 years ago

comment image mine doing ok have 6 female flowers on each plant. Growing like weeds atm.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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