Patch Prep, More Compost and Sorting out a Tap

The new season is here for all of us here in New Zealand and it sure is an exciting time.

I’m growing again in the smallest area ever again this year to show that it can be done and my goal is to get a bigger pumpkin than last years effort.

My pumpkin I grew in the very small patch in 2016
Last years effort

More Compost

To add more matter to the small area I have added a bunch more compost to the patch and mixed it up using my Weedo attachment.  It’s such a stupidly small area that it doesn’t take much to fill so I guess that is a bonus.  Later on, I will be covering the whole lot in pea straw to help stop water loss due to evaporating.

Compost Bags Loaded into Boot of the Car

Compost ready to be added to the patch

Compost added to the patch

Water is the Key

Last year my watering plans and what I actually did were two very different things, I’m surprised the plant actually managed to produce something.  I know it would have a been a lot better if the watering was more consistent and there was more of it, even for a very small area this is important.

I have a weeping use buried as deep as I can in the patch, and this is hooked straight into the tap, this will be turned on to help promote strong root development.

As well as this, I am using the blue drum you would have seen in the last post as a way to apply liquid fertiliser to the patch.  My initial thoughts are to use a variable flow dripper which I will have to research and play around with how much will come out due it all being gravity fed.  Expect updates on that at a later date.

Blue drum with tap added on its stand

Soil Testing

Yeah nah.

For such a small area it would be crazy to get a soil test done and really no point.  But if you are growing in a much larger area you really should get a soil test, and if you haven’t yet there is no reason you can’t get one done now, you just might not have enough time to remedy anything that is wrong. (Good things take time)

Think about planning future soil tests and if you are going to get foliar tests done as well.

Seed Starting

Seed starting for me will start this weekend as Thursday is full with a school event and a film event, Friday is consisting of the dentist and work.  I’ll have to see how I go.

As for seeds I am planting, to be honest, I have no idea, there is no plan as such.  I just know they will be giant pumpkins and they will be seeds I already had on hand.  I will start 3 and then pick the best looking one to transplant out into the patch.

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