
New Product News – Lithovit, Natural CO2 Foliar Fertiliser

If you follow Giant Pumpkin NZ on Facebook you would have seen that I posted an update about a product that was new to me at Fieldays.  The reason I saw it was the booth it was in had a whole bunch of photos of giant pumpkins on the wall.  The product is called Lithovit.


What is lithovit?

Lithovit is a natural CO2 foliar fertiliser – For use on all field crops, grasslands fodder plants, intensive cultivation, horticulture and forestry.

Where does it come from?

Lithovit is made in Germany and is distributed in NZ by a company called Filmchem Limited.  Lithovit is 100% organic calcite carbonate from natural limestone deposits, suitable for use in organic farming, harmless to humans and animals and not hazardous to water.

Here is a video explaining the process of Tribodymanic milling technology which is used to make Lithovit.

How does it work?

Highly energised Lithovit particles, sprayed finely onto the leaf surface, are taken up directly through the stomata and converted into carbon dioxide. In this way Lithovit can considerably increase the photosynthesis rate, since the essential factor limiting photosynthesis outdoors is the natural CO2 content of the air.

This leads to yield increases, accompanied by a reduced water requirement, with Lithovit the plants are able to keep the stomata closed longer in case of water stress. In addition, the micronutrients also contained in the product and the trace elements that influence plant physiology, such as manganese, copper, zinc etc. increase the resistance, growth, vitality and quality of the crop.

Where can I get it from?

Luckily you can get it from the NZ distributor at and it comes in three different sizes.

15g sachet for around $9.90
500g pot for around $39.95
10kg tub for around $299.00

What are the application rates?

According to the information sheet I got the recommended application for giant pumpkins is:

When pumpkin plant reaches two leaf stage, mix 5gm of Lithovit per one litre of water and spray both sides on leaf and plant.  First two doses at 14 day intervals and thereafter at 10 day intervals until harvest.

Final thoughts

I’m always keen to try new products, and Lithovit is one I will be using this season and i’ll tell you what I think about it.  For the amount of applications I will need to apply I will be getting the 500g pot.

I like how there is a specific application rate for giant pumpkins, something you don’t see too often for products like this.  Another winning aspect is that you are able to get it in small quantities which is always handy.  And if you check out the website or get your hands on the brochure you will see this product is handy for almost everything in your vegetable garden.

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10 years ago

Hi Sam
I tried to get hold of the lithovit people and it seems that they have closed. Have you been able to get hold of them recently? If you have please let me know? I am keen to get some. I used some on my 490 and it worked really well.
Cheers Aaron

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